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So as we have seen on previous pages, Hoagland making excuses & NOT wanting to do anything for himself to investigate this. We seen him asking SOMEONE ELSE TO DO THE SERIOUS LEGWORK to get him the info he requested so he can investigate these images for us. At the same time, Hoagland was making theories about these images as possibly being fakes without an investigation into them.
Not to also mention Hoagland went attributing these 'fakes' as being created by the Producers, by making accusations against the Producers for falsifying data, claiming they faked them, & simply wanting us all to think & believe they are mere props for the show. Thus trying to imply to EVERYONE, that this is not worthy for any ones investigations? That is how I took his excuses! Who knows? Maybe back then before I had the Producers on maybe one can think that was innocent enough in his replies about them right? WELL WHAT ABOUT NOW??? Assuming you ALL watched & listened carefully to the Producers words in my video composites, surely NOW, you all can SEE the falsifying in Hoagland's original comments about this all? Maybe enough so that you also will want to ask him publicly about this UFO Diaries & those faces of Mars images WE NOW KNOW HE HAS & PROVIDED TO THE PRODUCERS! We learned also it was NOT only that Hoagland had provided them, but Hoagland was also supposed to be FILMED IN CONNECTION TO THOSE IMAGES! PLAYING HIS PART TO BE FILMED... WITH THOSE IMAGES! But as we also heard, for whatever reason HE DID NOT WANT TO SAY WHAT WAS SCRIPTED FOR HIM! Hoagland created a big problem for the production & the crew, & cost the producers time & money, & Hoagland left BIG HOLES IN THE SCRIPT! MAKING IT LOOK NOTHING LIKE WHAT THE PRODUCERS HAD HOPED. In professionalism it was trying to be done as, as well as for what they wanted for Hoagland to Play His Part! All because Hoagland NOT WISHED TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED obviously in connection to those images! Not merely not handling them, but not seen in any scene those images were in! Again, this makes us all ask.... WHY???? Obviously it turns out they (THE PRODUCERS) made sure to it that Indeed,.. HIS PHOTOGRAPH GETS SEEN IN CONNECTION TO THOSE IMAGES... IN THE FUTURE! It is no wonder why Hoagland NOT appeared to the show dates when the producers were on! It is no wonder why Hoagland played the act as willing to investigate, yet falling far short of actually doing so. HOAGLAND WAS COLD BUSTED! He knew he would NOT have been able to LIE or explain himself away if he appeared on the Martian Revelation Radio Show with the Producers & myself! Because he knew that THEY would have spanked his ass on the air & for all to have heard!! He would have been outdone & exposed as a Liar. Maybe he thought by the things he said, (I am sure) that I would not have been able to get the Producers on? But being that I did, & set them as guests for the show to even appear with HIM ON those shows, yet Hoagland making excuses to me & NOT appearing as those days came, & went, he obviously not wanted anything about this to be discussed. Yet, The producers said the things only that they needed to say, even speaking in CODE, in much of that, to provide us all with information, for us all to think about it & use our Intelligence to SEE, THEIR INTELLIGENCE about this situation & also who is in control of Secret images of Mars. Thus,... A SECRET SPACE PROGRAM! (More ways than one). Very implicating things there beyond the 3 or 4 images showing OTHER FACES this implicates mind you that this all tells & shows us! SOMEONE.. Wanted us to SEE & KNOW some things, to figure out! Maybe Hoagland thought I would not go around him, to speak for myself to the Producers about this & simply give Hoagland his info he needed? But he did say Someone Else Needs To Do The Serious Legwork! I KNEW that hint was to me! So I took it & did it! There was now the dilemma I am sure of Hoagland's reactions to those interviews I did with the Producers, comparing it to the things he OFFICIALLY PUBLICLY STATED TO EVERYONE THAT HE HAD NO IDEA AT ALL ABOUT THOSE IMAGES, & ALSO NOT REMEMBERED THE PRODUCERS! I am certain he was furious! But he played it cool, as no one else seemed at least publicly, to have asked him anything to the things they heard. I was blown away by that fact alone. How can so many that were interested in seeing Hoagland's investigation into this to get us these answers & images, all of a sudden, not say a word to him about what the producers said? At least at that time,... As we shall see! So I had the Producers on the show & they said the things they said. I also played it really cool. I not pressured Hoagland much at all after that time, accept getting his promise that we would do a show or shows, with the producers again, with Hoagland this time appearing with them on my radio show. To him, I was giving the benefit of the doubt. At least that is how I made it look to him. But personally, I was fuming inside, & my mind was & still is always racing with the thoughts of all this in what I had learned & brought forth to the publics attention. I for one personally believed the Producers in the things stated to me! It was obvious however that many who heard this did NOT believe it. But I say it is only because they either NOT wished to believe it, or that they were too blinded by Hoagland's public figure of how we wanted us all to SEE him as was showing us all that maybe Hoagland aint who he really claims to be on the surface! So they decided instead to ignore the producers claims & also ignore my case & ignore my calls to Hoagland to INVESTIGATE TO GET US THE TRUTH & GET US ALL THESE IMAGES! They not wished to think that they all could have been lied to & fooled by Hoagland for many years, yet even with such EVIDENCE there is to show that is a fact! Plus to ignore what they all as being so called SERIOUS MARS RESEARCHERS, jump off the want & need to see & study these NEW FACES OF MARS IMAGES was NOT A SERIOUS THING TO DO AT ALL! Remember (you fools who Know who I mean that are reading this) that Hoagland said... IF WE'RE SERIOUS???!!! GROW SOME NUTS!! Shows all this does, that I was the only one that was, & still IS SERIOUS about this CASE FOR THE FACES OF MARS! Shows also who was NOT! I felt strange vibes ever since my interviews amongst the peoples at Enterprise Mission & else where, though I kept cool for a time. I was trying to give Hoagland the chance to follow through & to prove himself to me by doing the shows he promised with them as time can be had by him to do so. Yet I knew he was stalling me. So it was at this time I started getting into seeing a CODE applied to UFO Diaries, & this got Hoagland's attentions as I tried to speak to him on the phone about it which he listened intently & he was very interested in me showing him, &/or letting him know what I see/seen inside it. I had started looking into it earlier as evidenced by his own E-mail comments to me about congratulations of Getting Sellier on the show, where he had said ;... "AS FOR THE REST: I REALLY AM HAVING A HARD TIME SEEING YOUR 'CODE' IN THIS TV PROGRAM. I'M WILLING TO BE SHOWN, BUT I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY COMPELLING EVIDENCE OF SUCH A 'CODE' AS OF YET..." So while I allowed Hoagland TIME to do whatever he needed to to be on the show, I went to work on studying into this CODE I was seeing & for some reason more prone to SEEING it than others. Anyway, this gets into a part of this story that really gets us all into the twilight zone & I even say gets really spooky. I know as I EXPERIENCED IT & HAVE EXPERIENCED... THINGS! (I will not elaborate here or now about those things). But I will give some details about my study into this CODE & things I was SEEING of the information & INTELLIGENCE, coming across to me inside this code as if I was EXPECTED TO SHOW UP! Because this is where this investigation took on a whole new area I had no idea can at all be possible, let alone considering (at that time) it's existence! BUT,.. HOAGLAND DID IT SEEMS! As he really wanted me to focus my investigation into that CODE I SEE, to get him my progress & give him the information, if any I would find. I FOUND THIS TO START! YET HE IGNORED THIS! 'THE PLANET MARS, IS NEXT TO 'OUR OWN', THE 4TH WORLD, COUNTING OUT FROM THE SUN. BARREN PERPETUALLY COLD, & WITH A THIN ATMOSPHERE OF POISONOUS GAS'. "SURELY?,..." "NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?"
SO Much for Willing To Be Shown! So he had me go into another direction with a CODE much deeper & spookier to see & study. To be honest, I really thought he wanted me to do so because he just wanted to buy TIME to deal with this, & for me being drawn into another direction, which any direction other than the one I was on at that time, was better than being public & trying to get Hoagland to come on the record with the producers. AGAIN! But you all can see into 'some' of the things I seen in this CODE, that Hoagland wanted me to look deeper into. Until I found something MAJOR...! An interview article was done November 20th, 2011, where this gets briefly discussed, & I think it fits here for you all to see & get the jist of the type of things about Hoagland I found coming through to me inside this CODE. Please click on the image & please read: Now after you read that article interview, you now have the JIST of the info given to me. It aint much info, a summ up, but the jist of the things I seen. Left many things out. Maybe I will write a book on which I will include all that info, one day. But for this CONSPIRACY OF RICHARD HOAGLAND to be revealed, I only need to show & tell enough things that connect to this story as unfolded. I am not going to write that book in this site, but I am sure it will be big enough for a book. LOL! So I went into deep studying & learning to SEE more of this CODE inside UFO Diaries on Hoagland's request. (He requests alot of things I noticed!) So studying this code allowed to give me the time I needed to look into this code, & wait & see how things would pan out with Hoagland's timing to get under way to investigate. Because I will admit, this code had me drawn in & I was INSIDE IT! To get back on track, (as that is not easy to explain to you all about this code anyway) let us continue to look at the historical contexts of what transpired in Enterprise Mission Conference in June of 2006, that I have not shown to anyone yet regards to Hoagland's excuses & unwillingness to do anything to get us answers. This time being included also is showing what some others were saying or thinking about these faces images, as being fakes,... Yet being awed at them at the same time, as well as noticing subtle things being hinted at even by them. I must admit now seeing this all & who presented these comments, really makes me laugh & be suspicious of those that I associated with in that forum. I will explain this. What was fascinating to me also is that none were saying anything to Hoagland that he should investigate, or even asked him any questions about it. Notice the dates of these comments. This is important now, & will be more important later when I show you all another connection & twist to this strange case when this all was going down. Somewhere else, was also (I believe) speaking in code about this coming forth, & seeming like THEY KNEW IT AHEAD OF TIME! Anyway, so we see Hoagland's reply to me on the 5th Of June 2006 & if you watched & listened to those videos embedded, & heard THE PRODUCERS TESTIMONIES, you will SEE Hoagland's obvious deceptions in these comments. THAT IS EVIDENCE!! Now after Hoagland said this, about 2 hours later on the same day, someone named... 'BONES' posted a comment which reads: Hmmmm. Notice what I mean? CLAIMING IT BE A FAKE! Again, maybe they were right, as I also have my suspicions about one or 2 of these images. HOWEVER, that being said, just thinking or theorizing this point or points without an investigation 1st into them, was not sufficient to make any claims as fact! Nor was it sufficient enough by those theories or claims to dismiss the need of doing science! The need to investigate was stronger now then ever to determine what the facts were to determine what those images in fact are! 'BONES' I noticed later then when this was posted, seems also to be riddling & hinting! But he offers a great question... 'WHY WOULD SOMEONE,... FAKE IT'? 'MAKES NO SENSE'! I agree with him there. A preliminary study went into these images by SOMEONE for us all, who was INSIDE associated with NASA who remains anonymous for the time being. But it raises important facts & possibilities from a balanced view of both sides for these images being fakes, or being real. Because 'BONES' statement & question makes sense, that faking these images MAKES NO SENSE! After seeing that important & informative analysis video, let's look back to 'BONES' comments. He foes on to ask me a very important & interesting question. He seems to be cluing me & us all in on something very connecting & important! Because of this, I now question his name... 'BONES'! He asks me... "GARY, WHAT IS ON THE SOUND TRACK AT THE TIME OF THE IMAGE ON THE VIDEO? DO THEY POINT OUT TO THE AUDIENCE THAT 'THIS IS THE FACE OF MARS? OR IS NOTHING SAID? IT'S JUST FADE IN & FADE OUT?" Now I need all to realize that when this all was said, I had only shown the images, & not yet had the actual video online for people to see. I placed it up online a day later. His name, 'BONES' was thought by me since we are at ENTERPRISE, it was a pun character for the ships DR. However I did NOT know this persons real identity for all the years I been at Enterprise Mission. (Looking back in seeing the name, & seeing what he/she said, makes me think of 'BONES' .. As in SKULL &... BONES!) Now what BONES said, is remarkable because if I had not shown the video yet, How did BONES KNOW to ask such a question? This hint & clue BONES Gave me was NOT 'JUST FADE IN & FADE OUT' as appeared to all else at Enterprise. (NOTE: Fade In And fade Out,.. Can also mean it is being a... UFO!?) BONES seemed to be cluing us all in to look closely to that possibility. Because it is exactly what takes place in the UFO Diaries video, as the show host (Michael Flynn) indeed literally walks & Points to the new Face of Mars image saying,...: "MANY INTRIGUING QUESTIONS ARE RAISED,... BY THE APPARENT CONNECTIONS,... BETWEEN THIS IMAGE,... FROM THE PLANET MARS..."
So it turns out that 'BONES',... Was right! Because the show host indeed says by POINTING TO THE AUDIENCE, SAYING THIS IMAGE FROM THE PLANET MARS! HOW DID HE (BONES) KNOW? What is more fantastic is still yet another code being applied to this scene as well as in the opening scene. In fact, the riddle connects these to each other. IF it is not just FADE IN & FADE OUT for you to SEE THAT UFO! LOL! OK, what riddle is this I speak of? This scene in it's words which is: "MANY INTRIGUING QUESTIONS ARE RAISED BY THE APPARENT CONNECTIONS,... BETWEEN THIS IMAGE,... 'FROM THE PLANET MARS'..., AND ANCIENT STRUCTURES HERE ON EARTH! ...,'PERHAPS THE MOST INTRIGUING BEING',... DOES THIS IMAGE ON THE SURFACE OF ANOTHER PLANET,... GIVE US IMPORTANT CLUES TO THE ORIGINS..., OF ANCIENT STRUCTURES..., ON 'OUR' WORLD?!" We are being riddled about that new face image. Once again. As well as the Sphinx image in connection to it. But 1st let's look at what we are told. "MANY INTRIGUING QUESTIONS ARE RAISED BY THE APPARENT CONNECTIONS,... BETWEEN THIS IMAGE,... 'FROM THE PLANET MARS'..., AND ANCIENT STRUCTURES HERE ON EARTH! ... Indeed. Many Questions Are Raised, By The Apparent Connections Between This Image, From The Planet Mars,.. & Ancient Structures, Here On earth. WHY? If you all watched & listened to those videos I placed up for you all to see & listen to, you all would have heard the Executive Producer Chuck Sellier sate for the record, that this was filmed in a MASONIC LODGE IN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH! AN ANCIENT STRUCTURE, HERE ON EARTH, Built in the Late 1800's! "DOES THIS IMAGE ON THE SURFACE OF ANOTHER PLANET,... GIVE US IMPORTANT CLUES TO THE ORIGINS..., OF ANCIENT STRUCTURES..., ON 'OUR' WORLD?!" But it says ANCIENT STRUCTURES! More than one! I feel & see this also includes & alludes to the other ANCIENT STRUCTURE BUILT HERE ON EARTH, IN THAT MASONIC LODGE,... In 1993, in the Ancient UFO DIARIES video! The ORIGINS OF ANCIENT STRUCTURES,.. ON 'OUR WORLD'! We are being clued in to the ORIGINS, or the BEGINNINGS OF THE VIDEO! Because Many Intriguing Questions Are Raised, By The Origins (the beginnings, where this image is seen!),... ON 'OUR WORLD'! We are being steered to see the ORIGINS of the CODED RIDDLE of these ancient structures. Which was: 'THE PLANET MARS, IS NEXT TO 'OUR OWN', THE 4TH WORLD, COUNTING OUT FROM THE SUN. BARREN PERPETUALLY COLD, & WITH A THIN ATMOSPHERE OF POISONOUS GAS. SURELY?,... NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?" It seems we are trying to be given a chance to go back to that origin scene, to look at it again, to SEE this hint as being valid! Thus this CODE being as valid! 'THE PLANET MARS, IS NEXT TO 'OUR OWN', THE 4TH WORLD, COUNTING OUT FROM THE SUN.' "SURELY?,... NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?" We are also being clued into something more from that riddle we were given, The ORIGINS OF ANCIENT STRUCTURES,.. ON 'OUR WORLD'! The 'OUR OWN' image, The IMAGE FROM ANOTHER PLANET, we are told THIS IMAGE, FROM THE PLANET MARS, is also being attributed as being also called 'OUR OWN',... (Making the claim of ownership or possession)... Which we are directed to see this object on THE 4TH WORLD! The 4th ORBIT, or Position, where the 'OUR OWN' Image is seen for that 4th WORLD we were being steered to see by using our Intelligence!! Therefore we are being clued into that it is THEIR 4TH WORLD,.. The 'OUR OWN' image BELONGS TO! WHAT WORLD?? The 'OUR WORLD',... THE SECRET WORLD,... OF INTELLIGENCE! Why? Because we are also asked in the ORIGINS,... SURELY,... NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE? WHERE?... In that orbit,... In that Position,... Of The 4TH WORLD! That Image FROM THE PLANET MARS, that belongs to... 'OUR OWN'! Something shows me we are NOT only being directed to see only the SECRET INTELLIGENCE New Face Of Mars image,... But we are being clued into to SEE something else,.. THE OWNER/S OF THE 4TH WORLD! (Pretty Implicating... In it's hidden message of INTELLIGENCE we are trying to be told here!) This UFO DIARIES CYDONIA SUN-SET HOST SET, as being an Ancient Structure Built here On Earth, inside another Ancient Structure, A MASONIC LODGE, Built here On Earth in Salt Lake City, UTAH! We are being attributed & told that THE MASONS,... OWN THESE SECRET FACES IMAGES,... OF INTELLIGENCE!! BECAUSE THEY OWN,.. THAT MASONIC LODGE WHERE THIS WAS FILMED INSIDE OF! WHERE again we are asked to consider in 'LIGHT' of this MARTIAN REVELATION,... "SURELY?,... NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?" ON THE DATE OF 06-06-06 (implicating signature of code) Hoagland wrote: Now I think in more ways than one,... I answered your RIDDLE Hoagland! It was NOT so simple neither! But looking at Hoagland's comments as seen & understood BY ME back then, Hoagland had told me to bring this to the attention of EVERYONE inside Enterprise Mission & encourage their help. For what? Because I found an anomalous coded message image in UFO DIARIES, that shows us some interesting things. A woman is looking at a Map of Cydonia. There we can SEE a COMPASS opened & pointed downwards (symbol in position even to attribute the Masons signature). Then also seen is a note pad, where we can see a set of numbers I said to Hoagland looked more like sets of coordinates with the number 19.5 underlined. I believed I told Hoagland I see a code in this also, & that it may be a mathematical problem to possibly solving it. I asked him to help me solve it because he is a smart Math Guy. But instead, look what he publicly states to my post to EVERYONE. Notice that Hoagland openly stated,... 'IF THE SHOW TRIED TO PROVIDE... 'CLUES' TO IT'S LOCATION... IN THOSE CO-ORDINATES I NOTED???? Hoagland was giving us all a big hint to look into this. But it seems that was all he was willing to do. WHY??? WHY did he want me to make this FIND public to the Enterprise Missions Brothers? To also encourage their help to see & solve this? WHY did Hoagland NOT want to help me solve this, especially if Hoagland noticed this may be a valuable pursuit to find it's location of this FACE ON MARS? W.T.F.??? YET NO ONE NOTICED OR ANSWERED HIS ENCOURAGEMENT TO STUDY THOSE CO-ORDINATES!! ODD IN ITSELF!!! |