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It is a wondrous thing to imagine what SWORD is speaking about in his TALE OF 2 CAPTAINS regards to Richard Hoagland. Quite a tale indeed as I said. Many people have not seen this Blog, yet also many have.
I yet to this day need to see anyone at all, calling him out about this SWORD Blog in things stated about him. I tried, & like UFO DIARIES, he wanted to play dumb & act like as if he not knew what you were talking about, in order to try to avoid answering anything about it. I say that asking him about his connections to UNIT SWORD Blog, is just as important as asking him about his role played, or UN-PLAYED rather, in UFO Diaries & his connections to these images, showing secret other Faces of Mars the public has never seen before. In fact there is yet another SWORD Blog Page that speaks about Hoagland having secret non public Images & he seems to be also not doing what he was supposed to do regards to THEM? SWORD in that Blog, titled: RICH'S LAST LAUGH published MAY 8TH, 2006, stated that Hoagland was given OLD YET NEW DATA that he was supposed to BE HOLDING IN HIS HANDS! We will look at this Blog contents here. This was posted 2o days before Tale Of 2 Captains. I think it is noteworthy to show this here. It adds more meat to the bone in piecing together fragments of which I can see & use I feel to connect to things I found. Especially when so much consistency of facts exists that enables to connect them together. Now although SWORD alludes to other things on the surface in his blog posts. I however see that I can attribute some of this to connect to the code information I found & the similarities again are astounding. This was written May 8th 2006! A month before I brought forth the REPORT of UFO DIARIES & the Faces Of Mars images to Hoagland's attention at Enterprise. So notice that SWORD on May 8th, 2006 writes: "THE COVER UP OF THE CENTURY IS ABOUT TO BE BROUGHT OUT INTO THE OPEN THROUGH A QUIET EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION." This statement I see if I look deep into it as I do, is a prediction of what was to come. A Prediction that includes what I in fact was to do in the upcoming month on June 1st, 2006, by revealing this video UFO DIARIES at Enterprise Mission! Another thing that grabbed my attention was SWORD's statement where he says: "WITH ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE IN HAND OF THE OTHER NASA, HE COULD HAVE HAD SOME SERIOUS CLOUT- THE ACTUAL VOICE OF THE STRANGE AND NEW? " This comment was earth shattering to me. Because in dealing with THE COVER UP OF THE CENTURY, UFO DIARIES, I learned from the producers that Hoagland Provided those Faces images, being from NASA & ALL. That Hoagland got them & delivered them,& also was supposed to be seen being filmed in that video holding them, or seen in connection & being the voice of those images showing other Faces of Mars the public never seen before by the public through the NASA public space program. Notice how SWORD states If Hoagland with his voice, & Had in His Hand These Images, being called THE STRANGE AND NEW he says Hoagland could have had some serious clout! By speaking being seen with Images in hand of the strange & new. It seems Hoagland NOT wanted to do that? This is consistent to the TESTIMONIES by the producers that Hoagland was supposed to be filmed with those images Hoagland provided, but Hoagland screwed them over,... For some reason. Notice then SWORD says that HE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THAT BEHIND HIM! LOL!!! Yes, those images he should have gotten behind him in the scenes he was supposed to be filmed holding them in his hands & being the voice of these strange & new Faces Of Mars images, on UFO DIARIES, where he FAILED TO ACT!! And Then SWORD says Hoagland should have been gearing up to THE FLOOD OF OTHER OLD YET NEW DATA OF PREVIOUSLY UN-RELEASED MISSIONS! HOW CONFIRMING!!! Only after TIME passes & continues on, is this all being able to be seen & connected. SWORD says WHAT A BONE THEY THREW HIM! LOL! Indeed... THIS IS SOME GOOD SHIT! LOL! SWORD than alluding to a COO DAY TAAHH FOR ANY SCORNED SCIENTIST? INDEED!!! Then SWORD states basically they are it seems, in process of having some REVENGE against Hoagland, it seems for NOT holding these old yet new data in his hands being the voice of those strange & new images that was about to be reported on almost a month later, at Enterprise Mission? BY ME! SWORD asked a great question. "IF RICHARD WAS A SERIOUS MARS RESEARCHER, WOULDN'T YOU THINK HE WOULD JUMP AT THE OPPORTUNITY TO 'TOUCH' AND HOLD IN HIS HAND UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE?" My answer to SWORD's question...? YES! I WOULD THINK SO!! Then I came upon this REMARKABLE statement from my researching this SWORD blogs of that time frame (after Bob Williams (www.commonsensecentral.com) led me to see & read TALE OF 2 CAPTAINS), I came upon a SWORD blog titled ...... 'Waste Everything Except Time'... I came across this HINT & PREDICTION commented by SWORD, on May 17th 2006, (in my opinion) to what was coming 2 weeks later.... WHAT ARE THE ODDS? Though I admit I have a few questions I would LOVE to speak to Art Bell about. Someone else also it seems was worried about THE MARTIAN REVELATION RADIO SHOW at that time... HOAGLAND! (Some things were getting clearer in focus...) So Now back to the amazing connecting (in my opinion) comments of TALE OF 2 CAPTAINS. WE HAVE THIS ALREADY TO CONNECT EASILY!! WE HAVE THIS TESTIMONY ALREADY,.... THROUGH TIME... TO CONNECT EASILY!! It is at this point that I wish to read something important about the facts of WITNESSES & TESTIMONY from the BIBLE (Deuteronomy 19:15) about bringing charges to someone being accused. Because it applies here: ..."A SINGLE WITNESS CANNOT SUFFICE TO CONVICT A MAN OF A CRIME OR OFFENCE OF ANY KIND,... THE EVIDENCE OF TWO WITNESSES OR THREE, IS REQUIRED TO SUSTAIN A CHARGE!" SO... WE OBVIOUSLY NOT HAVE NOTHING,... BUT WE REALLY HAVE.... SOMETHING!! It is funny in a way. Because SWORD alludes to this as being THE WORLDS GREATEST UNSECRET... I attribute this to mean the UFO DIARIES 'SIDESHOW'! WHERE WE ARE ASKED OPENLY & PLAINLY; "SURELY?,..." "NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?"
LOOK RIGHT THERE!! 'SIDESHOW'!...LOL! ...MORE...'SIDESHOW'...! ...MORE...'SIDESHOW'...! ...MORE...'SIDESHOW'...! ...MORE...'SIDESHOW'...! They indeed HAVE FOUND OUT THROUGH A 3RD PARTY... ME,... about this 'SIDESHOW' called : UFO DIARIES! THE SECRET SPACE PROGRAM... FULL OF SECRETS...! Notice SWORD stated that he WANTED AN ASTRONAUT! But this SWORD comment, thus implies that NASA instead,.. Sent him an ASS!? ( LOL!) Notice also that SWORD claims he & his UNIT are MASONS! NASA sent Hoagland,.. To... THE MASONS! Is it coincidence also this still is consistent to details from my investigation into UFO DIARIES? Because the producers TESTIFIED that THIS UFO DIARIES 'SIDESHOW' HOST SETS,... 'WAS FILMED IN A MASONIC LODGE' IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH!!!! PLACE OF SECRETS!! AT THE TIME SWORD WROTE THESE COMMENTS at Tale Of 2 Captains, EVEN while that 'SIDESHOW' was being REPORTED about there at Enterprise Mission, no one at SWORD's blog knew or mentioned it to anyone there at SWORD's blog about what I was REPORTING on at Enterprise Mission. Yet these same claimed that they follow Hoagland in all he does. But NOT actually participating inside Enterprise Mission as I and others were. This is important,... NOTICE THE DATES TO THESE COMMENTS! When Hoagland was addressing OFFICIALLY,.. To EVERYONE! Yet NO ONE at the SWORD BLOG KNEW???... Accept ...BOB WILLIAMS!!!! But Bob said Nothing at SWORD Blog about what was unfolding at Enterprise Mission, at that same TIME! He also NOT reported to us at Enterprise Mission (nor Hoagland for that matter) about what was going on at that SWORD Blog! Yet Bob said so very much to SWORD during that same time! AMAZING STUFF NO? It was at this TIME, SWORD hinted at SOMEONE Getting a DVD to DISTRIBUTE! LOL! Coincidentally at that same TIME, I was DISTRIBUTING A REPORT OF A DVD (CD RECORDABLE DISC) I RECEIVED IN THE MAIL 3 YEARS PRIOR, AT ENTERPRISE MISSION! A DVD SHOWING OLD, YET NEW DATA OF PREVIOUS MISSIONS! I also like to point out the irony & connections to SWORD's statements above, & the FACTS of CODE that lead us DIRECTLY to one of these OLD YET NEW DATA as seen in UFO DIARIES Opening Riddle Line. SWORD said: "CONSIDER THE WHOLE OF THE SUM... WHAT ADDS UP?" This is amazing, because it was as if back then, although many & MOST WILL NOT SEE IT, (many NOT-SEES out there) It was like SWORD was hinting about a mathmatical problem, dealing with OLD YET NEW IMAGE DATA, that it is something that needs to be ADDED UP! I know many will deny it, but I swear this connects exactly to that opening riddle to SEE INTELLIGENT LIFE THAT DOES.... EXIST THERE! The opening line of UFO DIARIES leading us to SEE someplace where we are asked 'SURELY NO INTELLIGENT LIFE CAN SURVIVE THERE'? A PRODUCT OF 'THEIR OWN' (OUR OWN).... CREATION!!! SOMETHING.... FOR US TO CONSUME? (Think about it.) This is the exact wording of the opening scene of UFO DIARIES: CYDONIA: 'THE PLANET MARS, IS NEXT TO 'OUR OWN', THE 4TH WORLD, COUNTING OUT FROM THE SUN. BARREN PERPETUALLY COLD, & WITH A THIN ATMOSPHERE OF POISONOUS GAS. SURELY?,... NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?" This is a Riddle. This is a test! Plus a Map! ALL CONNECTED TO A GUY THAT MY INVESTIGATION, INTO UFO DIARIES & THE CODE THEREOF,... & THINGS SWORD SAYS I CAN RELATE & CONNECT TO OF SHOWING HOAGLAND SOMEPLACE HE NOT ONCE WISHED TO BE SEEN PHOTOGRAPHED IN CONNECTIONS WITH THE OLD YET NEW IMAGE DATA FROM PREVIOUS MISSIONS! WITH REGARDS TO PLAYING HIS ,PART,... & HIS FAILURE TO PERFORM HIS ACT,... WITH THE EVIDENCE SEEN IN HIS HANDS AS THE VOICE OF AUTHORITY TO SPEAK ABOUT THEM,.... IT IS SEEN NOW (considering the evidence & TESTIMONIES given) HOW HOAGLAND CAN BE EASILY SEEN PHOTOGRAPHED IN CONNECTION TO 'THEM'! (These Multiple old yet new image data showing OTHER Faces Of Mars unknown to the public,... & THOSE BEHIND THE PROGRAM!.... THE MASONS!) This is extremely fascinating & also SPOOKY! Especially when SWORD's story is so similar in many things I see he says, that I can easily or almost easily SEE connections to things in my investigation into Hoagland I was led me to SEE,... OF INTELLIGENCE! BY THE CODE OF CYDONIA! (UFO Diaries) HOW CAN THERE BE ANY SIMILARITIES AT ALL BETWEEN THE 2? HOW THE PREDICTIONS? HOW THE CONNECTIONS? HOW THE FULFILLMENTS? BIZARRE!!! My friend MEAN GREEN long ago posted these comments on his thoughts of this situation of Hoagland & these OLD YET NEW IMAGE DATA FROM PREVIOUS MISSIONS. |