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To focus again on SWORD & the amazing PREDICTIONS & fulfillments, we still need to see the possibilities more in which TIME has been crossed, or manipulated to create effects upon which I believe & think is part of a purpose to either change history, or to create a new history. A history that from the point of the one or ones crossing through TIME, is aware & having knowledge of the history that THEY come from, which may be OUR future!
This is totally amazing in itself of things to contemplate here by the information provided openly by SWORD in the past. It raises questions as to WHO this OLD SWORD posting these things really was. A TRAVELER THROUGH TIME? It is strange. But after studying UFO DIARIES, it's hidden code & it's information I was gleaning into, I was being made to think that TIME even in that code, was being crossed to communicate as it were, to me, & to us all. But the code of Cydonia, UFO DIARIES, was made in the past. The thing that boggles my mind more about this is the connections it makes through SWORD'S old writings & comments from 2006, that caught my attentions a year after SWORD posted the things he did, & I was investigating UFO DIARIES & looking deep into it's code! It is weird, to me it seems it is as if it was at the right point in time, for me to see the SWORD comments (again, thanks to Bob Williams) who waited a year before telling me about that SWORD BLOG.) It was as if I was not meant to see it, UNTIL,... THAT TIME! A Year after the fact! Because when I had seen it thanks to Bob thinking I needed to see it, I was able to pick things out, & some things quite immediately! Where as I know & see plainly that if I had seen this blog the year previous, I would NOT have seen many connections as I did a year later & into my investigation & studying that CODE OF CYDONIA! The funny thing? SWORD EVEN SAYS HE WAS EARLY! Early for what? Early IN TIME! Before something or some things were going to occur. (In my opinion). One of which was his predictions & comments about ME! Plus I believe, in what I see & am able to connect to, was me bringing forth this UFO DIARIES case to Hoagland's attentions. Which again, at that TIME, as I was doing this, SWORD was speaking about things that I was doing, yet he was NOT openly mentioning my name or stating about my efforts at Enterprise Mission at that same TIME! Then how do I know he was speaking about ME or the things I was or would be doing? Let's reflect a little. On June 2nd, 2006, Hoagland replies to my topic of THE UFO DIARIES FACES OF MARS. Now the next day, on June 3rd, 2006, is when SWORD hints of Hoagland having a SECRET, that is an UN-SECRET (especially NOW,... IN TIME),... Regards to Hoagland having PROOF of something. Something Hoagland has to DISCLOSE! Notice above again, where also he says WHEN THIS STORY BREAKS,... Telling us there be A STORY ABOUT THIS! That this STORY IS GOING TO BREAK! (A prediction) A SECRET that is an UN-SECRET, about Hoagland needing to DISCLOSE SOME PROOF! Of HIS INVOLVEMENT! About what? A SIDE-SHOW!! Direct connection was made to UFO DIARIES! THE PROOF HOAGLAND HAS TO DISCLOSE from that SIDE-SHOW! WHERE WE ARE ASKED OPENLY & PLAINLY; "SURELY?,..." "NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?" THE PROOF HOAGLAND HAS TO DISCLOSE from that SIDE-SHOW! That which SHOWS ON THE SIDE,... IS THE PROOF HOAGLAND NEEDS TO DISCLOSE! Of HIS INVOLVEMENT! A SECRET THAT IS NOW,... IN TIME,.. Thanks to the STORY BREAKING ABOUT THIS, that SECRET is NOW AN UN-SECRET! THAT WAS EXPOSED, WITHOUT HIM! BY A THIRD PARTY IN THIS STORY,... THAT WAS PREDICTED,... WILL BREAK THIS STORY! Notice the dates! Again compare it to Hoagland's OFFICIAL COMMENTS TO 'EVERYONE' on June 2nd 2006! About a DVD that I had gotten, & I was distributing & reporting to Enterprise! AT THAT TIME! The thing is, this connects to me because NOT only what is said by SWORD during the TIME I was bringing this out, in June 2006, DISTRIBUTING A DVD at Enterprise, but because what he said a couple weeks prior, on May 17th, 2006. Hinting then of the Identity who was to BREAK THIS STORY! Only later, in TIME, when this all is looked at NOW,... Can the connections be seen! AS PROOF! Because of the connections, & because of TIME! The funny thing also here is that to me in MY HISTORY, at the TIME SWORD made the comments about ME, in May 2006, I had no plan or intention of releasing the UFO DIARIES to the world's attentions... YET! Not until a couple weeks later. Coincidence? I say NO! Because he hinted it by speaking about me, & cluing others of an IDENTITY that would be doing something, by telling others; "THAT guy,... (Meaning ME), WAS UP & COMING! So SWORD naming me, calling me out in TIME, with hints & clues later to which at the same time I was in essence bringing forth the fulfillments of his words! This could NOT be a coincidence! TIME was somehow seen through or crossed, or something that can or is manipulating TIME or events, that maybe can change something,... Possibly the FUTURE! Yet Lo & behold, I find SWORD saying something out of the Blue, a few days into me DISTRIBUTING THE DVD of UFO DIARIES, in which the things he said is directly connecting to my theory that has involved goings on in THIS STORY, through TIME, that has purpose to possibly change the future, or to create an alternate future, is as being FACT! From June 5th 2006! This is INCREDIBLE! So much information I KNOW MANY NOT SEEN THIS ALL, back then, as is offered in these words! So much information being stated there & so very implicating of a MISSION THROUGH TIME! This was so out of place in all of SWORDS writings & comments back then. However as I see it, it makes sense for things he says & things I discovered through UFO DIARIES CODE OF CYDONIA, that I was convinced TIME was being crossed somehow, & more importantly, SWORDS writings & MY work with UFO DIARIES & what I was doing,... To me anyway, seemed connected. BUT HOW? Unless TIME was utilized. But let's look at some of the things SWORD said from that June 5th 2006 message posting to his blog. SWORD stated that WE (more than one) ARE ALL WAITING TO GO BACK! (To where? The Future? The Past?) Stating that THEY were FROZEN IN TIME! WAITING TO BE SENT BACK TO WRITE MANY WRONGS! (In this part of his statement, he is implying THEY were SENT BACK, TO WRITE (or right...?) MANY WRONGS! So this statement suggests that some things have occurred in which THEY were SENT BACK, TO WRITE (or to right..?) MANY WRONGS!? This statement comes from someone as if with a knowledge of events to occur in our TIME & in our future, that to THEM, from their viewpoint of history, being the FUTURE of the past, who knows about what those past MANY WRONGS were that THEY were SENT BACK TO WRITE (or right...?)?! Again, this is pretty strong in things he states & also very implicating! Yet none noticed or commented of the importance of these amazing statements!? When I seen these writings a year after SWORD posted this, (Thanks to Bob Williams), I immediately had many questions! He hints at WRITING,... Yet also hints at RIGHTING THINGS, of which there were MANY WRONGS, That needed to be RIGHTED? Or to be WRITTEN?! Maybe both! I say this because it seems to have a dual meaning possibly here. If THEY were SENT BACK TO WRITE (or Right..?) MANY WRONGS, this implies THEY were Sent Back To Right many Wrongs. Suggesting THEY were on a Mission to be sent to the past, to Right Many Wrongs that they know have occurred, from their viewpoint of historical TIME from the past history of WHERE & WHEN THEY come from! Thus it means as what THEY say! THEY were Sent Back through TIME to RIGHT,... MANY WRONGS! In other words, go back in TIME, & FIX things so maybe not so many WRONGS, will take place, but FIX those wrongs somehow, maybe before it happens, to make things RIGHT in how it should be, or how it was & IS expected to be for that future?! As if they were knowing what their history was supposed to be to begin with? That maybe that future NOT went as it should have? As was planned? So THEY needed to go back in TIME to WRITE (Right..?) MANY WRONGS!? Therefore, THEY are on a mission through TIME, & helping to create an ALTERNATE HISTORY, by FIXING THOSE MANY WRONGS, & thus creating an ALTERNATE FUTURE! This all is so very thought provoking & mind boggling, yet so much is to be seen & gleaned of INTELLIGENCE information being passed through those comments! Which was made to WRITE & LEAVE presence of THEM, their statements & clues & information that LATER THEY will be seen & noticed, & also... USED!? In essence again, apart of the dual meaning to SWORD's statement that THEY WERE SENT BACK TO WRITE,... (Literally)... MANY WRONGS! To Clue to us all in & HINT about those MANY WRONGS that was, or WILL BE DONE, so them WRITING about it, will be able to be seen & used to help FIX THINGS? (And/or to fix... SOMEONE?) To help create a Future, or possible future where the Many Wrongs That once took Place or will take place, gets FIXED? Therefore when THEY go BACK, (to the future..?) THEY will have a history that has been RIGHTED?! As if the OLD history no longer existed now mind you. The wrongs never took place! THAT IS THE PARADOX! So in all this information so far we have seen being put forth in this CONSPIRACY AGAINST RICHARD HOAGLAND, on more than one front & source that has put forth things against Richard Hoagland. Calling him out through TIME as it were. Telling us that HE has something to do with a future that is already known about, where there was seemingly MANY WRONGS & that THEY are on a mission through TIME to fix those MANY WRONGS made, by Hoagland!? TO FIX HOAGLAND'S MANY WRONGS,... WRITTEN BY HOAGLAND?! TO FIX MANY WRONGS,... DONE BY HOAGLAND!? OR ALL OF THE ABOVE? This also implies that THEY know, that Hoagland has also MANY WRONGS, meaning not so very many RIGHTS? In other words,... Hoagland is never right! (Well, it seems THEY do know Hoagland! LOL!) OR also THEY may be telling HIM, that HE HAS NO RIGHTS!? Maybe to do the things of MANY WRONGS that he has done?! THEY being on a mission through TIME, to FIX THINGS? To change the future from how it was supposed to be, if Hoagland had done many rights, instead of doing MANY WRONGS, compared to the future of historical past events where THEY came from, which to THEM, these MANY WRONGS needed to be fixed, or RIGHTED,.. OR... WRITTEN?! So it seems in this simplistic form it is/was obvious that THEY were on a Mission Through TIME, ...TO FIX HIS ASS?! (Or It seems I can also applicate here added information maybe? With THEM telling Hoagland, who done Many Wrongs, that he has NO RIGHTS anymore to certain SECRET IMAGES MAYBE? This all can be applicable & connected!) So SWORD continues on saying: "I SOUND LIKE A MADMAN! INDEED. I DO!!" To me I SEE & feel something here as this comment is being more than what it appears to be. Because it sounds like he is leading HIMSELF to SEE something more in that statement?! Because he says INDEED,... I DO! Referencing HIMSELF, as sounding like a MADMAN! Hmmmmm. He wants to lead HIMSELF & us all (because he is addressing this to us all) into thinking that HIMSELF, as INDEED, SOUNDING,.. LIKE A MADMAN? I feel this is a clue, although I will admit here & NOW, at this point in TIME, in 2012, I am seeing a potential scary aspect to this potential CLUE as referencing to all of US, who this MADMAN IS INDEED SOUNDING LIKE... I DO?!!!! (I will leave off my thoughts regards to the potential INTELLIGENCE being given there.) Notice also a hint he tries to give us all as what he is referencing to about HIMSELF. He clues us all in to the fact that he SOUNDS LIKE A MADMAN,... OR A MAN who is.... MAD?! Telling us about HIMSELF, that he is 'A SOMEONE',... WHO SOUNDS,... LIKE A MAD MAN? Where HE SAYS,... INDEED,... I DO! This is implicating that maybe we can HEAR HIM? Yet you may be thinking we see only his words, so how can we hear him? But what if he is trying to clue us all in identification of WHO HE IS? Because he says HE SOUNDS LIKE... A MADMAN. He SOUNDS LIKE A MAD MAN? Thus I believe he is leading us to think about if we were to hear his voice maybe, that to us all, he sounds LIKE A MAD MAN? Sounds Mad or ANGRY? This is telling us maybe, that his voice also may be OUT THERE someplace where he can be heard? Therefore applicated to his words here to make any connections, if any there is to make by his statement? Yet he clues the way for us, to SEE this! That He SOUNDS LIKE, A MAD MAN?! (I feel as I write this now, in April 2012, that those maybe who read this now may SEE also where this implies itself, to be going & showing!) But then SWORD continues on as he writes: "IS THIS THE PASSAGE WAY FOR THE SECOND TRY? (He hints thus there was a 1st TRY at doing something? If so,... WHAT WAS THE 1ST TRY?) SWORD continues to say: "EVERYONE IS NUDGING & WINKING & ELBOWING & SPEAKING SLY THINGS FROM THE CORNERS OF THEIR MOUTHS, WHAT'S NEXT? DID WE PIN ALL OUR HOPES ON ONE MAN? IS THAT SOLDIER GOING TO DO HIS JOB? ( SWORD alludes to Putting All Their Hopes In One Man, also alluding him to be a SOLDIER, with a JOB to do? Does he really mean Hoagland here? Or,... SOMEONE ELSE?) SWORD continues to say: "AM I DOING MINE FOR THAT MATTER?" SWORD is hinting also that HE is a SOLDIER, (which he never kept secret), with a JOB TO DO, FOR THAT MATTER? What MATTER? The MATTER of WHAT'S NEXT? His JOB at Putting All Their Hopes In One Man, that Has A Job To Do,... As A SOLDIER? Hmmmm. Then SWORD says: "SO STRANGE TO FEEL AS IF THERE ARE OTHER VERSIONS OF ME OUT THERE IN THE WORLD. MY PRESENCE WELL KNOWN- YET NOT A SOUL SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE MY EXISTENCE." This is very Implicating of his words to us that he indeed has been sent through TIME! Because if that was the case, He acknowledges that THERE ARE OTHER VERSIONS, OF HIMSELF, OUT THERE IN THE WORLD! That would make sense. Remember the movies of BACK TO THE FUTURE? In them, you will see that the main character Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) goes back in time to see OTHER VERSIONS of himself, reliving his past experiences. Yet all the while being unseen to Himself, who was watching the Other Version of Himself doing the things he had already done. THROUGH TIME! So this SWORD is telling us I believe the same thing here! That being sent through TIME, to a TIME as he writes this, where he sees OTHER VERSIONS OF HIMSELF OUT THERE IN THE WORLD, (of the past?)... Telling us that to him, it FEELS SO STRANGE! That is how Marty McFly felt also! Yet he, this SWORD SOLDIER SENT THROUGH TIME, gives us all information that is clues as to HIS IDENTITY? Because SWORD claims that NOT only are there OTHER VERSIONS OF HIMSELF OUT THERE IN THE WORLD, but he says "MY PRESENCE WELL KNOWN- YET NOT A SOUL SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE MY EXISTENCE! He is cluing us all in to try to SEE & HEAR who this individual really is. His PRESENCE is well known (in that TIME) for being who he is, yet telling us all that NOT A SOUL SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE HIM? In that TIME? I ask WHY? Would it be dangerous if people seen & figured out who he was/is during that TIME? That NONE SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE HIS EXISTENCE, if people seen HIM for who he is,... Or will be? A SOLDIER WITH A JOB TO DO?! One thing is certain, that like Marty McFly, he is telling us all that he sees himself out there in the world as another version of Himself at that PAST TIME he came to when he written these comments? That to him seeing this, it feels strange to see this of himself? I guess it would! But if NONE SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE MY (his) EXISTENCE, as he says,... WHY then does he go out of his way, through TIME no less, to hint & clue to us all to try to figure out who he is AT THAT TIME? Is he telling them all that if they SEE who it is he is trying to finger point to others who he is, that if they see it, & figure it out, that THEY SHOULD NOT ACKNOWLEDGE the person they came to SEE who it was? But then WHY? Why try to let anyone know at all then, who HE really is as being the person at THAT TIME, as being another version of himself, in the past? Especially maybe if he was NOT a SOLDIER at that TIME? If so,... Then WHO IS HE? He gave us all important clues about this already. He said "I SOUND,... LIKE A MADMAN! INDEED, I DO!" He claims!! We cannot HEAR the sound of him by reading his words! He was telling us all that If people followed his hints & clues, & thus if they heard, his voice would SOUND LIKE A MAD MAN? A MAN WHO IS MAD? Where he said MY PRESENCE WELL KNOWN! Thus these comments can be pieced together to solve the identity he claims to really be back in the past, SOMEONE, A MAN, WHO IS SOUNDING MAD?! Yet this MADMAN, being from the future writing this Blog & telling us all he is seeing OTHER VERSIONS OF HIMSELF OUT THERE IN THE WORLD, AT THAT TIME OF THE PAST, WHERE HE SAYS IT FEELS STRANGE SEEING OTHER VERSIONS OF HIMSELF OUT THERE IN THE WORLD, (of the past to where he came to, with him being from the future) AS A MAN WHO SOUNDS LIKE HE IS MAD!? (THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES & IS FREAKING ME THE FUCK OUT!!!!) YET IN THE FUTURE, THIS IDENTITY CLUED IN TO US ALL ABOUT IS OR WILL BECOME A SOLDIER, WITH A JOB TO DO? Where THEY PINNED ALL OF THEIR HOPES IN THIS ONE MAN? To do what? TO WRITE (or right...) MANY WRONGS! So to continue with the rest of what SWORD said, he goes on to say: "HOW MADDENING IT IS TO BE SO COMPLETELY SHUT OFF FROM MY WORLD." Now why does he say this? Maybe because the world he came from, NO LONGER EXISTS? Because if he is back in TIME to WRITE (or right...) MANY WRONGS, his world is NOT the same place as it was,.. Or will be. Depending how YOU look at this all! From HIS EYES! His world is now shut off from him as being able to go back being who he was, or will be rather. At least theoretically so. At least that is a fast theory I came up with to explain that comment there. You must admit at least it makes sense. But he continues on to say: "I COULD GET BACK TO WHAT I WAS DOING BEFORE- IF ONLY I COULD GET SOME SORT OF PROOF THAT I CAME FROM THAT WORLD." This makes sense also, because in a way yes, he can GET BACK TO WHAT I / HE WAS DOING BEFORE, if he is successful in RIGHTING THE MANY WRONGS,.. That stopped him from doing WHAT I / HE DID BEFORE these MANY WRONGS WERE DONE TO STOP ME / HIM FROM DOING IT BEFORE,... IN THE PAST!?! So if he was able to go back, to the future with having fixed things in the past, HE can get back to doing what he did before THINGS GOT BROKEN? Thus that is what he can or will be doing, or can GET BACK, if he returns to that world of the future? From him fixing the wrongs done in the past? Pretty implicating! Because next he says: "IF ONLY I COULD GET SOME SORT OF PROOF THAT I CAME FROM THAT WORLD. AN IMAGE, A WINK, A NOD, TESTIMONY! |